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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Assignment # 10.. The Journey

One morning I woke up in a cabin. For a second i was like where am I? I was on the top floor, in the bedroom. When i walk to go look out the window, there was snow everywhere. The window was on the left side of the room. The bed that I was sleeping on, it was so comfortable. I didn't want to wake up. It felt like I was in a dream! I went down the stairs, it felt so warm cause of the fireplace. i went into the kitchen to make hot chocolate, so I can sit by the fire. As i was look around there paintings of nature on the walls. This cabin is so pretty, I don't ever want to leave!!

As I was walking out the front door, there was a beautifully pasture!!! As I was walk i heard animal calls, they were birds. The smell was like fresh air. The view was so pretty as I was looking around. There was so many different colors like blue, red , green, yellow,and purple. I just wanted to stay there all day!!!

I came up to a mountain, it was really big. I stated to climb it. As i was going up there different animals like deer, elk, bears, snakes. I saw a lot elk running through the trees, it was amazing. I kept going up there were bear trackes, I got a little scared but I knew that I would be find because the trackes were old. The smell was like pine cones. finally I got to the top, the view was like nothing that you see everyday.

On the top of the mountain there something spiritual. It was a stone with pictures on it. I think it was made from people a very LONG time ago. It had on it hunters hunting animals. The way they drew on it was soo amazing. As I was looking at it I was thinking, What did they use to draw on the stone? I want to take it and show my friends what i had found but i knew that i couldn't because it was just something that you can take, its was too spiritual  to the land and who had made it.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Assignment#9: Child Abuse

Child Abuse

Child abuse is more than bruises and broken bones. While physical abuse might be the most visible sign, other types of abuse, such as emotional abuse or child neglect, also leave deep, long lasting scars, sexual abuse. Some signs of child abuse are subtler than others. However, by learning common types of abuse and what you can do, you can make a huge difference in a child’s life. The earlier abused children get help, the greater chance they have to heal from their abuse and not perpetuate the cycle. Learn the signs and symptoms of child abuse and help break the cycle, finding out where to get help for the children and their caregivers.

If you can’t trust your parents, who can you trust? Abuse by a primary caregiver damages the most fundamental relationship as a child—that you will safely, reliably get your physical and emotional needs met by the person who is responsible for your care. Without this base, it is very difficult to learn to trust people or know who is trustworthy. This can lead to difficulty maintaining relationships due to fear of being controlled or abused. It can also lead to unhealthy relationships because the adult doesn’t know. What a good relationship is?

If you’ve been told over and over again as a child that you are stupid or no good, it is very difficult to overcome these core feelings. You may experience them as reality. Adults may not strive for more education, or settle for a job that may not pay enough, because they don’t believe they can do it or are worth more. Sexual abuse survivors, with the stigma and shame surrounding the abuse, often especially struggle with a feeling of being damaged. 

Child neglect a very common type of child abuse is a pattern of failing to provide for a child's basic needs, whether it be adequate food, clothing, hygiene, or supervision. Child neglect is not always easy to spot. Sometimes, a parent might become physically or mentally unable to care for a child, such as with a serious injury, untreated depression. Other times, alcohol or drug abuse may seriously impair judgment and the ability to keep a child safe.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Assignment #6: Teenagers & Relationships

Teenagers and relationships are sometimes good but sometimes bad it depends on what type of relationships or what kind of relationships. If you are a teenager in a relationship don't make it serious because you are still young and you don't need to worry about if your boyfriend/girlfriend is cheating on you. You need to have fun with your friends. Your also to young to get in a serious relationship. There's are two type of relationships they are a healthy and a not healthy relationships. Oh teenagers fall in love fast too. Some teens may or may not know what love really means.

There is this girl I know Shay and she is going through a lot right now with relationships. She has a boyfriend but her 2 exes are like coming round and she don't know what to do. She really likes her boyfriend but still cares about her exes. She is trying to find away that she wont hurt anyone and its really hard for her.

Shes been going out with her boyfriend for like a week or so now. Since shes been going out with him her one of her ex started texting her saying that I want to give another chance. She was gonna go back out with her ex but he wouldn't talk to her or anything. Once she got a boyfriend her ex started coming around n stuff. Shes trying to find away to tell her ex that she has a boyfriend but she don't want to hurt him. One day she went her exes house stuff happened NOT sex related and she don't know if she should tell her boyfriend or tell her ex to leave her alone.

Then she has this other ex that she knew her whole live. Ok so her ex had a girlfriend and he started being mean to my frined. So she stopped talking to him. Then jst the other day he broke up with his girlfriend. Her friend is going out with his brother and she wanted to hang out with him so she asked Shay if she wanted to go and she said yes. Well her ex went too cause he was the driver. So they all went bowling everyone was having fun and stuff. Shay and her ex were sitting on the other side and he told her that hi misses her then started kissing her, he also don't know that she has a boyfriend. If she tells him, he'll go and tell her dad to get her in trouble.

Over all she dont know want to do with these guys. Like I said she really likes her boyfriend but still cares about the other guys. She feels bad cause she liked cheated twice on her boyfriend. She is trying to make up her mind on what to do, she is so confused and I don't know how to help her. She need to make up her mind fast because she wont be hurting anyone.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Assignment #5: Teenagers and Gangs

The reason why teens join gangs is that they think they tough. They also think they look cool but really they don't. Why would you want to do bad stuff for the hell of it no sense at all. The way you get in a gang from what I hear is that you have to get jumped or the girls have to have sex with how many guys the main guy say. I think gangs ruin peoples lives because your always getting in trouble with laws loose people respect and so on so forth.

I think people shouldn't join gangs because its just a waist of time. There is so much to do with your live. Would you rather live freely than getting in trouble, shot at, death, or be in prison for live. Or have a good live where you have a good job, a loving family who cares about you. You can really go far in live not being in a gang. You loose so much of respect of other. They don't want you around because they don't want to worry about you stealing from them.

Another reason is that they maybe have family problems so they think that a gang is their family. But if they were like your family they wouldn't beat you up to be apart of that gang. They think that their problems go away. I rather have my real family that a gang cause they are alway there no matter what and a gang isn't. They also deal drug that are bad for you. Gang members will peer pressure you to be in their gang.

If a teen is really bored with nothing tp do they might start their own gang in their neighborhoods. If you have grown up around drugs and gangs most likely you will do drugs or be in a gang. Most gang members start exposing gangs to kids when your like 10-11. Poor kids that are exposed to gangs that like ruined their lives at a young age.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Assignment #4 Teen Suicide

"Teen Suicide"

Teen Suicide is a big issue in the US. The rate of suicide is between the ages 15-24 years old. Teens turn to suicide because they feel like no one cares about them. They also feel so alone. There are so many signs of being suicidal. Parents need to talk to their kids about suicide even though your kids aren't suicidal.Teens need to learn about this because there is other ways to solve problems than trying to kill yourself.

Parents and teens need to learn about this more because they help the lower risk of suicide. If your child is changing moods or anything that doesn't seem like them, you should talk to them before it get really bad. Parents help the your child to solve their problems so it doesn't go into suicide. Make them feel that they are loved and that you do care about them.Cause lot of teens these days feel so alone.

Someone i know is suicidal. She feels so lonely like no one cares anymore. She tried talking to her parents all they said we will talk about it later, but later never came. She started doing stuff that she knew that it was wrong and she knew that she shouldn't being doing all that stuff. But that was her way of getting away, she didn't want to feel the pain anymore. She also felt like her parents didn't care about her, her parents always helped her sisters with everything that they need help with. Now of days she is doing better, shes talking to her friends about stuff. Now she is feeling that shes loved and people cares rather than feeling alone.

Suicide is a BIG deal. NO ONE should feel like they are lonely or something like that. So talk to your family and friends when you are feeling depressed. Find help that u need so it does not go into suicide.There is always away out things you may not think so but there is.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Assignment #3... Bullying

I've only been called names but it didn't go far.Bullying is all round us even if we don't see it. I think people get more bullied when they are gay, lesbian, or bisexual. Like the movie we watched in class about Jamie Nabozny. He got bulled for being gay.

It all stared when he was in the 7th grade. Young boys started off calling him names at first that went on for awhile. He stared getting beat up in the 8th grade by the boys in hes class.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Assignment #2...Who Am I....?

"Being Free"
     The person I would describe myself as would be outgoing, funny, real easy to talk to. I  do a lot of different stuff like being outdoors, I like riding horses, I also do rodeo,  or what ever sounds fun to me I do. I really enjoy being outdoors because there is lots of stuff do outside. Sometimes I go to the ranch with my dad and mom to help them brand the calves. We usually do that during the summer. When I'm at the ranch I like to ride the horses or the 4wheeler.

   The times I go to the ranch with my parents, we check the waters, the horses and cows. We also go 4wheeling either in the truck or the 4wheeler. I've been driving a 4wheeler since I was like 6 years old. My family and I some times go rabbit hunting or go elk calling I have fun when i got to the ranch.

   Being outdoors are fun for me because there is lots of stuff to do like go the park, go hiking in the mountains that's always fun, cause why would you want to be inside all the time? That's kinda boring for me. So when i go riding or to practice it feels like I'm in my own little world and i also feel free like nothing else matters to me. I also do rodeo that's always a plus. Its really fun to do and watch. I started rode just May of this year so its not been long since I started.

    I tell people how i feel sometimes if I feel comfortable with you. I'm also a really understanding person. I like helping other what ever they need help in. Making people happy makes me happy I feel like a better person inside. I love meeting new people. I like getting to know someone before judging them. I also like being around people.